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第一篇 火花

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第一篇 灰燼


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Catherine Celebrated her birthday Yesterday.
Bill is celebrating today!!!

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Let me start this off by saying that I really struggled to post this because well let's face it, there is no way a werewolf could be hotter than Edward Cullen :) but I guess I must try not to be so biased. So Team Jacob fans and Shelly, the biggest Jacob fan of all, I am dedicating this post to you!

Apparently somewhere in the universe there are people who actually think werewolves are sexy and as a result PopSugar has come up with 5 reasons why werewolves are hotter than vampires. The video of course features some of our beloved Twilight cast pups :) I hope you all enjoy because I am almost certain you will never get a pro-wolfy post from me again ha ha!

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Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson are taking their onscreen relationship to the next level in Breaking Dawn – and it seems the couple are getting more serious in real life, too.

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According to The Mirror, the actor was filming for his latest movie 'Water for Elephants' when he was bitten but was not hurt because the lion had no teeth.

Pattinson said: "Almost every day I'm working with an exotic animal; there are scenes where I'm leading buffalo and elephants into cages.

"It's insane, like I got bitten on the arm by a lion with no teeth. They were like, 'It's fine, he does it all the time'. And I was like, 'Erm, OK...'."

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Robert Pattinson Can't Understand Fans

Robert Pattinson has difficulty connecting to the ''crazy'' fans of 'The Twilight Saga' but enjoys ''participating'' in the pandemonium the series causes.


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At this time we still don’t know if it will be one or two movies. The Lexicon staff is betting on two films, because we feel there is enough material as cited by Stephenie Meyer and Melissa Rosenberg.  Assuming it is two movies, and assuming they film from late October 2010 until mid spring 2012we are figuring on a Thanksgiving or Christmas 2011 release on the first and a July 2012 release on the second.  Please note these dates are conjecture on our part based on previous experience and not insider info.

The other EXCITING news is that Stephenie Meyer has been named as one of the films producers. This would indicate a greater level of creative control, which most fans (we believe) would say is a good thing. See the full press release below.


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Who is your perfect Cullen boy?

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475_facebook_080317.jpg Please join  LoveRob Pixnet <Twilight>  on Facebook , check the picture to join , TNX

點擊上面的圖示,加入本網頁在 FaceBook 的社團

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With the announcement that the fourth “Twilight” film will be split into two separate movies, Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner are seeing dollar signs.

And according to a report, the “New Moon” stars are sticking together as they negotiate what will probably be an eight-figure deal for each “Breaking Dawn” installment.

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繼上次未完成的小說< 落日滿月 > 重新改寫!!!  已完全不同的故事安排呈現 < 落日滿月 > 中 Heather

所想串造的故事內容!!!  近期內即將 聯載!!!

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